You can be surprised with roaming costs, from which you can be charged while traveling to UK. Even if your smartphone is turned off, some carriers may charge you. To avoid these charges, here is our guide to follow.Either you are traveling to UK for your Business purpose or Holidays, there is no doubt that using your local SIM in UK would be more expensive for you. Simple voice calls’ charges would be £1.06 per minute while you’re calling to your home country and the Data charges cost could be also high that is £5.63/MB. As per our latest research, we’ve found that the daily cost of roaming charges could be £83 per day for business men and for the tourists, it could be £84 per day. You may be charged by some carriers even if you’re not receiving your call. To prevent from these international roaming charges, you need to just pick up the new UK local SIM card, FREE. The Local SIM of UK will help you to cut off your additional roaming charges. With the use of this card, your Data charges would be £0.04 and your voice calls’ charges to your home country would be £0.20 […]