Credit cards have become an indispensable tool for most people. They use it every day to pay for goods or services. Now, with travel credit cards, one can have an opportunity to earn free points which they can exchange for airfares, hotels, or cash. In order to lure customers to their fold, most credit card issuers have included travel in their own perks or partnered with travel brands to offer sign up bonuses, loyalty points, special discounts, and others. So it will work to your advantage if you will use the card all the time to get these perks. With the bevy of choices available in the market, how do you go about with choosing the right travel credit card for you? Here are the criteria you need to consider: Huge sign-up bonus. In most cases, one point is equivalent to a free domestic flight at the very least. Don’t sign with a provider that does not offer free flights. It will take you a long time to get a free flight. Nowadays, there are many airlines and hotel-specific cards that offer bonuses between 60,000 to 100,000 points which means tons of free flights. Points conversion. Most providers will offer […]