Everyone has a budget, whether it is dealing with millions of dollars a week or you are down to your last five dollars for the next twenty days, you are on a budget. But when you are traveling or taking Rome tours and you only have a couple of dollars to spend each day, this can make you feel like you just have nothing you can do! After all, everything costs money right? Well… wrong. You can get away with having a brilliant day in Rome and only spend some money on food, and not even a lot of money! The key is to know where to go. Get to Know the Community This is especially crucial if you are staying for longer than a month in Rome. Introducing yourself and getting to know the people around the area not only exposes you to the environment and the world around you but if you hit it off well with some people you can bet that you will end up spending some time with them, which could entail things like free meals, drinks, or even being shown around to all the really juicy spots to see how other people that live in the […]