No one really associates Norway with skiing. It was once the most popular destination for British skiers. They flocked there in their thousands. Then, for some reason they started to go to the Alps. Maybe it was marketing, maybe it was that fewer airlines serviced it or it could be that the slopes weren’t as challenging. Whatever it was, Norway became forgotten. The country that invented skiing fell off the radar, completely. Oh well, there loss is everyone else’s gain. The select few who go there (Although that may be about to change with Crystal ski selling Norwegian ski resorts again) will find that they have the run of the town. The slopes aren’t the most challenging (if you’re an expert maybe go elsewhere) but they are empty. Being free from the early morning standstills at the lifts, means that lift rage is a thing of the past. But what are the resorts? and what are they like? Well the main resorts are Hemsedal (no not the place from Lord of the Rings), Beitostolen and Geilo. Every Norway resort is rustic and rural. Not so rural that you can’t get bread and milk, though. It just has a back to […]