Most holiday goers look forward to a memorable retreat on budget whether it is a weekend trip to unwind or a long summer trip. Most of the people tend to make their budget plans in order to save money as well as maximize the fun. But now, with the increase in the price of almost everything, from airline tickets, currency exchange charges, extra luggage charges and other similar things which can make the trip much costlier than expected. However, if you are prepared from the very start, these problems can be solved in minutes. However, it would require you to plan ahead and conduct your own research so that you can manage any problems in the way of you having fun to the extreme. So, it is vital for you to be prepared for all kinds of possible caveats and emergencies while on a budget travel! Therefore, while planning your trips, be it a small one or a big holiday trip, you need to keep in mind a few things which can make your holiday a truly enjoyable one while still saving a lot of money. Here are 3 top mistakes to avoid if you want to travel on a […]