Going on a vacation with your family but working on a tight budget? It does not have to be this way all the time. Budget should not be a hindrance for not being able to travel with your family. Here are 5 inexpensive vacation ideas when travelling on a budget. 1. Travel in the off-season. For the kids, this may mean not attending school for a few days. But you can always work it out with the school. You can have the kids do some homework while on vacation or write a report. You can try a fall vacation and in the process get to see some fall foliage which can be a breathtaking view. 2. Camp out. Vacations do not always mean staying in some expensive hotel. For a change, you can try camping out. There are places that allow camping on beaches which is like hitting two birds in one stone. Yes, you will still be paying a fee but it is way lower than the accommodation expenses that hotels will charge you. There are many comfortable camping gears that are available in the market today. 3. Travel with a group. If you are travelling by yourself, you […]